It is an Indian drama series, which is popular in family dramas, and Chookar Mere Mann Ko stars cast and leading characters at the top of the Indian television industry its story starts here with Deepa, a dark-skinned girl who becomes kind and compassionate day her mother dies, and fearing for her up bring her father to agree to marry a woman Ratana, who is light skin but she is a squirrel who brings her daughter Urmi.
With time the family changes rapidly Ratana, manipulates Deepa, their father, and uses his money. How and resources to spoil Urmi, and herself. Deepa becomes a servant in her own home. Every day she is disrespected by her wicked stepmother.
Spoilers and Upcoming Twists:
Time passes Urmi, takes the competition into a beauty contest and wins, she is now Miss Kolkata, and this title draws the attention of a rich businessman wife named Labanyasengupta, She is hoping that Urmi is engaged to Labaiya, youngest son Joy.
Suraj his oldest brother of Joy, Suraj is a known celebrity doctor when known and Urmi, falls in love with him instead of breaking her relationship with Joy, Urmi, decides to blackmail Suraj, in an attempt to break his spirit. She simply tries to copy her mother like Ratana, did to Deepa, a father. She doesn’t know how love and respect work.
Future Story:
The audience watches Urmi, treat Deepa, just like her mother Urmi, believes that her weird blackmail thing is making Suraj, become aware of her but the story takes a turn because reality of how much Suraj, dislikes her personality, one day by chance he meets Deepa, and falls madly in love with her. Deepa, realizing how bad it would seem for her image, ignores Suraj, but he is consistent.
He shows in many ways that trying to prove that he does care for her and that he wants to marry her. Unfortunately for them Labanyasengupta, is like light skin in her family because her skin is light, and as a result refuses Deepa, and makes plans with Ratana, Through Deepa, Ratana also tries to find a physically abusive ugly man for Deepa, she can marry him but she planed is failed in the last Deepa feels that the only way for her to escape from this situation to marry Suraj,
Cast: The main leading characters are Swastika Ghosh, Dibyojyoti Dutta, Rupanjan Mittra, Ahona Dutta and Soumily Chara Borti, Srishti Majumdar, Sonakshi Grover, and many others characters. It aired on Disney and Hot Star First it was released on September 2023,
Gossip and Latest News:
This drama is not just an entertainment but also it engages the audience with its interesting story.on the day of Urmi, he decides to marry Deepa, the thrilling thing is Urmi, thinks Suraj, wants to marry her but she does not know Suraj, wants to marry Deepa, so they get married and show up at the party. Urmi is heartbroken Labanya, is so strong that the idea of Deepa, and blackness interests her family. She is so shocked she faints and gets amnesia for five minutes and everyone to shocked Labanya, shocked she starts taking care of herself gets a gun, and gets a severe case of crazy eyes.
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